On behalf of the Indiana Class Basketball All-Star Classic, Inc. Selection Committee, we would like to announce nominations are now being accepted for the Junior games, Friday, June 16, 2017 (current Juniors) and Senior games, Saturday, June 17, 2017 (current Seniors) at Anderson University for Boys and Girls student/athletes.
This game is *FREE* for all participants. Please contact Steven Stremming excelhighschoolsports@ori.net
Please fill out the form COMPLETELY if you have a candidate for the Indiana Class Basketball All-Star Classic, Inc. and please return as soon as possible. Please return forms in a .pdf or Word document format ONLY! Screenshots of form will NOT be accepted! Photo (head & shoulder shot ONLY) required in jpg file format!
Please be sure to provide us with ALL the Information below. **All Information is Confidential **
*** NEW EVENT THIS YEAR *** New to the Games this year is our Inaugural Futures Games featuring Freshman and Sophomore Boys/Girls. Nominate your players for this exciting first year event below (one boys and one girls game will feature Freshmen and Sophomores).
Deadline: February 22nd, 2017 (2016-17)
Name: Class in school: FR SO JR SR
Jersey Number:
Name of High School:
Current Mailing Address (Player):
School Class (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A) Sectional #_________
Players Cell Phone Number (confidential):
Player Email:
Parents/Guardians Name:
Cell Phone Numbers (confidential):
Parent Email:
Jersey Size: __________ Shorts Size: ____________
Name of High School:
Head Coach: Coach Cell Number:
Current Season Stats (ppg, rpg, apg):
Career Stats:
College Choice:
Awards, Honors, Recognition’s (All Tourney, All County, Sectional etc.):
After School, Community, Church and Charitable Participation (FFA, FHA, FCA as examples):
If asked would you be interested in coaching one of the games: ____Yes ___No
The Indiana Class Basketball All-Star Classic, Inc. wishes you continued success in all of your endeavors!
Sincerely and God Bless!
Steven Stremming, Executive Director/Founder 317-285-8354 Excel High School Sports Publication…chiefs@ori.net
Kent Benson, 812-272-5454, Chairman/Founder Indiana Class Basketball All-Star Classic, Inc.
Carl Ennis, Director of Player & Game Day Ops 317-554-7299 jakecarolina58@yahoo.com
Shann Hart, Girls Game Day Director
Jeff Robison, Player Analyst Coordinator/Assistant Game Day Director
Kevin Merriweather, Special Operations/Assistant Game Day Director
Charles (Chuck) DeMoss, Player Analyst Coordinator, Northern Indiana
Linda Fowler, Director of Fund Raising
Elizabeth Benson Watson, Hospitality Coordinator
Tom Boyd, Officials Coordinator
Rick McIntyre, Official Photographer
Lyle Hicks, Coordinator of College Coaches Communication
Todd Townsend, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
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