Montgomery County – the Cradle of Basketball

December 19, 2023 0

Montgomery County – the Cradle of Basketball By Barry Lewis/Montgomery County Sports & More Montgomery County is often called the “Craddle of Basketball” with three of the first four state championships coming from this county. Over the years a rich [More]

the SLANT looks at the “Fall Cities Fantatics”

March 1, 2023 0

Fall Cities Fantatics story by: contributing writer, Brian Sullivan, WNAS Radio/TV General Manager photos were provided by Brian Sullivan This photo has four Silver Anniversary recipients and two Indiana All-Stars in (left to right): LaDrell Whitehead, Sherron Wilkerson, Noy Castillo [More]

the SLANT Remembers the Wigwam

February 23, 2023 0

Wigwam now just a memory story by: Rob Hunt, Anderson Herald Bulletin, Sports Reporter photos by: John P Cleary, Anderson Herald Bulletin, Photographer I must admit to having very limited memories of Anderson’s Wigwam, having been there for one day [More]