Job Openings
Chesterton High School is looking for a Defensive Coordinator and Offensive Line Coach. There are currently teaching positions available throughout the district. Refer to duneland.k12.in.us for more teaching information. Contact Head Coach Mark Peterson at mapeterson@duneland.k12.in.us if interested.
Oak Hill has a strength & conditioning PE position open for the 21-22 school year with football coaching positions available. Applications can be submitted online at the Oak Hill website OHUSC.k12.in.us . Questions can be directed to Bud Ozmun at budoz@ohusc.k12.in.us.
Bloomington South High School is looking for a receivers coach for the upcoming season. Many teaching positions will become available. Please contact Gabe Johnson at gjohnson@mccsc.edu
Thank you so much for everything you do for kids! Please be on the lookout for players and managers who deserve to make the IFCA Good Works Team at the end of next season. Here are some opportunities for your team to serve. We hope you can support at least one. Thank you!
Jake Gilbert
IFCA Charities
Tackle Childhood Cancer – Greg and Molly Barrett continue to raise money for early detection and treatment of childhood cancer. Participating teams dedicate a home game and sell T-shirts, wristbands, and/or shoe laces as well as pass buckets for a Miracle Minute.
Indianapolis Colts Crucial Catch Campaign – The Crucial Catch campaign supports the American Cancer Society’s mission to save lives from cancer by funding grants to help people in underserved communities receive potentially lifesaving screening resources. The goal of this inagural Indinapolis Colts led program is to raise $20,000 to detect childhood cancer earlier, when its easier to treat. Please consider setting up a fundraiser on behalf of your program!
Versiti Blood Center/Colts Leadership Challenge – 20% of people need blood at some point. Less than 5% of people actually give blood. Our teams are needed to fight the shortage that we have! Please consider scheduling a date for a blood drive this summer. Three participating teams will be awarded an $1,000 equipment grant from the Indianapolis Colts!
MVP – Most blood donated
Most Improved – Biggest Improvement from 2020 to 2021
Rookie of the Year – Most successful new program to participate
Team Focus is a ministry developed to overcome the societal ills created by fatherless homes through year round mentorship. Team Focus is spearheaded by Mike Leonard and Bud Boughton, former coaches at Franklin College. Please consider getting involved!
According to a 2020 U.S. Census Bureau Report (Living Arrangements of Children Under 18 Years Old – 1960 to Present), over 24 million children in the U.S. (close to 33% of all children), live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home. The impact of this dynamic, for all children but especially boys, is absolutely staggering. Consider the following statistics from various studies and governmental agency reports.
- 90%of all homeless and runaway youths are from fatherless homes,
- 85% of children who exhibit behavioral disorders are from fatherless homes,
- 75% of adolescent patients in substance abuse centers are from fatherless homes,
- 71% of high school dropouts are from fatherless homes,
- 70% of youths in State institutions are from fatherless homes, and yes,
- 65% of YOUTH SUICIDES are from fatherless homes.
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