76 players selected IBCA first-team Academic All-State
39 boys, 37 girls receive top honor; 382 additional players cited as Honorable Mention
Seventy-seven Indiana high school seniors — 39 boys and 37 girls — have been chosen as first-team Academic All-State by the Indiana Basketball Coaches Association, it was announced Tuesday (March 19).
In addition, 203 more boys and 179 more girls were recognized as honorable mention Academic All-State for 2019, IBCA executive director Steve Witty said.
The IBCA Academic All-State team is a program where academic prowess and athletic prowess both are considered in the selections. Items such as grade-point average, college board scores and academic class rank are considered along with athletic performance in areas such as points per game, rebounds per game and assists per game.
“The quality of these student-athletes shows that success in academics and success in athletics are not separate entities,” Witty said. “Rather, in many cases, a player’s success in the classroom directly contributes to his or her success on the floor.”
IBCA-member head coaches from schools across the state may nominate their seniors who meet criteria that include a 3.5 GPA or higher on a 4.0 scale, a class rank in the upper 25 percent of one’s class, an SAT score of 1,100 (on the reading and math sections) or an ACT score of 24.
Once nominations are received, an IBCA committee reviews the information and determines awards for first team and honorable mention.
Those selected will receive certificates from the IBCA for their honor. Those certificates will be distributed to coaches at the annual IBCA Clinic on April 26-27 at Lawrence North High School in Indianapolis. The coaches then present the certificates to the honored players after they return from the clinic.
The IBCA has selected an Academic All-State team for boys since 1973. The program was expanded to include a girls’ Academic All-State team in 1980.
Players honored for 2019 are listed in the attached files.
Noah | Applegate | Penn | Al | Rhodes |
Aaron | Barnett | Fountain Central | Phillip | Shabi |
Kevin | Brown | Adams Central | Aaron | McClure |
Drew | Buhr | Austin | Randy | Edwards |
Luke | Bumbalough | New Castle | Daniel | Cox |
Macaine | Claycomb | Vincennes Rivet | Mark | Bezy |
Josh | Clemens | Hebron | Michael | Grennes |
Jon | Eineman | Mooresville | Bob | Carter |
Cole | Filson | Plymouth | Ryan | Bales |
Matthew | Frost | Columbus East | Brent | Chitty |
Jakob | Gibbs | Plainfield | Andy | Weaver |
Zane | Gross | Silver Creek | Brandon | Hoffman |
Joey | Gruber | Cardinal Ritter | Ron | Moore |
Elijah | Hales | Westview | Rob | Yoder |
Jaden | Hayes | Southridge | Mark | Rohrer |
Dustin | Hudak | Lowell | Joseph | Delgado |
Ahmoni | Jones | Pike | Bill | Zych |
Kayden | Key | Frankton | Brent | Brobston |
Nick | Koons | Rising Sun | Rick | Scholl |
Zach | Kuhn | Shelbyville | Ryan | Mack |
Isaiah | Lacey | Indian Creek | Drew | Glentzer |
Jake | LaRavia | Lawrence Central | Al | Gooden |
Jared | Lee | FW Bishop Dwenger | Matthew | Kostoff |
Blake | McClure | Southwestern (Shelby) | Brady | Days |
Daniel | McKeeman | Carroll (Fort Wayne) | Marty | Beasley |
Bryce | McLeish | South Vermillion | Shawn | Nevill |
Sean | Miller | Hauser | Nate | Cangany |
Colten | Mouzin | Vincennes Rivet | Mark | Bezy |
Bradley | Nalley | Corydon Central | Jamie | Kolkmeier |
Zach | Pugh | Indian Creek | Drew | Glentzer |
Robert | Raver | Batesville | Aaron | Garrett |
Luke | Richardson | Lapel | Jimmie | Howell |
Hayden | Smithey | FW Bishop Dwenger | Matthew | Kostoff |
Tyler | Stead | Martinsville | Kip | Staggs |
Andrew | Williams | Heritage Christian | Corey | Jackson |
Joey | Wiseman | Corydon Central | Jamie | Kolkmeier |
Alex | Yoder | Eastside | Ryan | Abbott |
Tyler | Zabrecky | Munster | Mike | Hackett |
Ridley | Zolman | Central Noble | John | Bodey |
First Name | Last Name | School | Coach First | Coach Last |
Joshua | Adejokun | Peru | Eric | Thompson |
Nathen | Aerts | Valparaiso | Barak | Coolman |
Jared | Armstrong | Washington Township | Scott | Bowersock |
Jack | Arterburn | Heritage Christian | Corey | Jackson |
Kade | Badger | Henryville | Jared | Hill |
Jaret | Bailey | Westfield | Shane | Sumpter |
Simon | Banks | Brebeuf Jesuit | Todd | Howard |
Cody | Beal | Waldron | Will | Staal |
Nolan | Beam | New Castle | Daniel | Cox |
Andrew | Beckley | Blackford | Jerry | Hoover |
Shawn | Beeler | Warren Central | Criss | Beyers |
Dylan | Begle | Heritage Hills | Nate | Hawkins |
Michael | Bender | East Noble | Ryan | Eakins |
Nick | Berger | Seton Catholic | Josh | Jurgens |
Shom | Berry | North Daviess | Brent | Dalrymple |
Jesse | Bingham | Warren Central | Criss | Beyers |
Franco | Bippus | Indiana Deaf | Keith | Westhoelter |
Gavin | Bollman | Greencastle | Bryce | Rector |
Konrad | Borgmann | Manchester | Mark | Underwood |
Austin | Brandt | Winamac | Alan | Huggler |
Garrison | Brege | Norwell | Mike | McBride |
Sam | Brenneke | Seton Catholic | Josh | Jurgens |
Jacob | Brose | Central Noble | John | Bodey |
Woody | Brucken | Tecumseh | Kevin | Oxley |
Hayden | Burke | Providence | Sean | Smith |
Adam | Bury | Evansville North | Jason | Roach |
Brayden | Casper | Manchester | Mark | Underwood |
Max | Chaplin | Brebeuf Jesuit | Todd | Howard |
Cade | Chezem | Loogootee | Kent | Chezem |
Evan | Coers | Shenandoah | David | McCollough |
Drew | Comer | Greensburg | Stacy | Meyer |
Christian | Conkling | Pendleton Heights | Kevin | Bates |
Luke | Conner | Boonville | Brian | Schoonover |
Cole | Cooper | Springs Valley | Michael | Leitzman |
Zack | Cory | Lowell | Joseph | Delgado |
Bennett | Coster | Heritage Christian | Corey | Jackson |
Alan | Cox | Franklin Central | John | Rockey |
Kameron | Crim | Morristown | Scott | McClelland |
Sam | Cummings | South Spencer | David | Kruse |
Zach | Daugherty | Huntington North | Craig | Teagle |
Samuel | Decker | Crown Point | Clint | Swan |
Adam | Deitsch | Seton Catholic | Josh | Jurgens |
Drake | Delph | Sheridan | Chris | Schrank |
Rylan | Detling | Frankton | Brent | Brobston |
Logan | Dodd | Northeast Dubois | Terrance | Friedman |
Matt | Dove | Princeton | Ryan | Haywood |
Zach | Dove | Princeton | Ryan | Haywood |
Evan | Dreibelbeis | Glenn | Travis | Hannah |
Caleb | Duke | Sheridan | Chris | Schrank |
Kyle | Dunham | DeKalb | Rod | Cone |
Jack | Eaton | Chesterton | Marc | Urban |
Adam | Edwards | Lowell | Joseph | Delgado |
Jared | Englert | Jasper | John | Goebel |
Brandon | English | Portage | Rick | Snodgrass |
Wyatt | Felling | Triton Central | Perry | Nash |
Brandon | Flinn | Bedford North Lawrence | Matt | Seifers |
Chase | Franz | Eastside | Ryan | Abbott |
Jordan | Fuelling | Bellmont | Jonathon | Fuelling |
Wyatt | Geesaman | Jay County | Chris | Krieg |
Cade | Gentry | Mt. Vernon (Fortville) | Ben | Rhoades |
Elias | Gerodemos | Crown Point | Clint | Swan |
Cade | Gibbs | Plainfield | Andy | Weaver |
Declan | Gill | Cowan | Lee | Ingles |
Mason | Gillis | New Castle | Daniel | Cox |
Colton | Glaser | Evansville Central | Rodney | Walker |
A.J. | Goecker | Trinity Lutheran | Brian | Stuckwisch |
Joseph | Good | Goshen | Michael | Wohlford |
Greyson | Green | Seeger | John | Collins |
Nicholas | Grieser | New Castle | Daniel | Cox |
Sam | Griffeth | Winamac | Alan | Huggler |
Payton | Hall | Benton Central | Jordan | Myers |
Matthew | Hanlon | Crown Point | Clint | Swan |
Shane | Harris | North Posey | Heath | Howington |
Andrew | Hartley | Frankton | Brent | Brobston |
Tyler | Hartman | Speedway | Charles | Bennett |
Lucas | Heady | Carmel | Ryan | Osborn |
Kyle | Hedinger | Jasper | John | Goebel |
Trey | Heidlage | Batesville | Aaron | Garrett |
Andy | Heldman | Evansville Mater Dei | Kurt | Wildeman |
Coltan | Henderson | Edinburgh | Keith | Witty |
Koby | Hennessey | Mooresville | Bob | Carter |
Kris | Hetzer | Oldenburg Academy | Gary | Moorman |
Bennett | Hoffert | Wawasee | Jon | Everingham |
Dawson | Jacoby | Rossville | Cory | Dunn |
Eric | Jerge | Munster | Mike | Hackett |
Marcus | Johnson | Seeger | John | Collins |
Zackary | Johnson | Noblesville | Brian | McCauley |
Cade | Jones | Heritage Hills | Nate | Hawkins |
Christian | Jones | Pendleton Heights | Kevin | Bates |
Paul | Jones | Perry Meridian | Mark | James |
William | Kammeyer | FW Concordia | Phil | Brackmann |
Christopher | Karakozis | Crown Point | Clint | Swan |
Jack | Kaufer | Lanesville | Mikel | Miller |
Will | Kellerman | Crawfordsville | David | Pierce |
Trenton | Kelley | Columbus North | Paul | Ferguson |
Sam | Kennedy | Evansville Central | Rodney | Walker |
Ty | Kessinger | Silver Creek | Brandon | Hoffman |
Dylan | Kinnett | Terre Haute South | Maynard | Lewis |
Morgan | Knotts | Benton Central | Jordan | Myers |
Matthew | Kochanski | FW Bishop Dwenger | Matthew | Kostoff |
Jesse | Kolb | Sheridan | Chris | Schrank |
Eric | Kolp | Franklin Central | John | Rockey |
D.J. | Kramer | Shelbyville | Ryan | Mack |
Lucas | Kroft | Richmond | Shabaz | Khaliq |
Samuel | Krutz | Crown Point | Clint | Swan |
Matthew | Kubiak | Hebron | Michael | Grennes |
Joe | LaGrange | Southridge | Mark | Rohrer |
Jackson | Land | Springs Valley | Michael | Leitzman |
Ty | Lawson | Paoli | Dusty | Cole |
Aaron | Lehrman | Bellmont | Jonathon | Fuelling |
Levi | Leidig | Norwell | Mike | McBride |
Devin | Lester | Greenwood | Joe | Bradburn |
Kamdyn | Lester | Manchester | Mark | Underwood |
Patrick | Lincoln | Scottsburg | Brent | Jameson |
Colt | Litsey | Frankton | Brent | Brobston |
Chase | Little | Attica | Bruce | Patton |
Dylan | Logan | Connersville | Kerry | Brown |
Tretter | Lyons | Tell City | Matt | Lynch |
Evan | Manges | Bremen | Jerry | Smith |
Brady | Manis | Bellmont | Jonathon | Fuelling |
Alex | Maxwell | East Central | David | Disbro |
Patrick | McKinley | Columbus North | Paul | Ferguson |
Hunter | Mefford | Southwestern (Hanover) | Jerry | Bomholt |
Reece | Milligan | Jasper | John | Goebel |
Ashton | Minton | Paoli | Dusty | Cole |
Steven | Molinet | Tecumseh | Kevin | Oxley |
Zach | Mollaun | Lawrenceburg | John | Blackwell |
Haven | Montefalco | Cathedral | Jason | Delaney |
Parker | Morris | Evansville Central | Rodney | Walker |
Cade | Motter | FW Concordia Lutheran | Phil | Brackmann |
John Michael | Mulloy | Carmel | Ryan | Osborn |
Jacob | Newman | North Posey | Heath | Howington |
Ben | Nicoson | Center Grove | Zach | Hahn |
Trent | Nobbe | South Decatur | Kendall | Wildey |
Phillip | Noblitt | Jasper | John | Goebel |
Bryce | Oliver | Rossville | Cory | Dunn |
Josh | Osborn | Guerin Catholic | Bobby | Allen |
Conrad | Otterbacker | Valparaiso | Barak | Coolman |
Landry | Ozmun | Oak Hill | Kevin | Renbarger |
Logan | Parrett | Manchester | Mark | Underwood |
Josh | Pettit | Jennings County | Josh | Land |
Noah | Pflum | Rising Sun | Rick | Scholl |
Spencer | Piercefield | Center Grove | Zach | Hahn |
Ben | Pirtle | Sullivan | Jeff | Moore |
Gunnar | Reffeitt | Brownsburg | Steve | Lynch |
Trent | Reichley | Seton Catholic | Josh | Jurgens |
Porter | Revoir | Goshen | Michael | Wohlford |
Cory | Richards | Franklin Community | Brad | Dickey |
Luke | Sanders | Triton Central | Perry | Nash |
Cameron | Sanford | Union County | Jesse | Moses |
Michael | Santoro | Franklin Central | John | Rockey |
Cameron | Saunders | Crawfordsville | David | Pierce |
Ryan | Schlechty | Jay County | Chris | Krieg |
Cameron | Scott | Columbia City | Brett | Eberly |
Drew | Seegert | Northridge | Scott | Radeker |
Burkely | Seekri | Western | Mike | Lewis |
Carter | Shaw | North Knox | Matt | Houchin |
Luke | Shoemaker | Concord | Derrick | DeShone |
Levi | Siewert | Floyd Central | Todd | Sturgeon |
Andrew | Smith | Gibson Southern | Kyle | Runyan |
Dalton | Smith | DeKalb | Rod | Cone |
Daryl | Smith | Warren Central | Criss | Beyers |
Henry | Smith | Elkhart Memorial | Kyle | Sears |
Wilson | Smith | Winamac | Alan | Huggler |
Luke | Smock | Plainfield | Andy | Weaver |
Jake | Spence | LaPorte | Kyle | Benge |
Eli | Sporleder | Oldenburg Academy | Gary | Moorman |
Reid | Staggs | Martinsville | Kip | Staggs |
Reid | Steffe | Forest Park | David | Welp |
Colson | Steinkamp | North White | Matthew | Sipkema |
Khayne | Stephen | Seeger | John | Collins |
Dillon | Sternberg | Jasper | John | Goebel |
Jack | Stuckey | Woodlan | John | Baker |
Cam | Sturgeon | Floyd Central | Todd | Sturgeon |
Cooper | Terry | South Vermillion | Shawn | Nevill |
Reis | Thomas | Brownsburg | Steve | Lynch |
Jackson | Thornburgh | Blue River Valley | Brian | Klein |
Matthew | Tru e | New Palestine | Trent | Whitaker |
Grahm | Turner | Heritage Hills | Nate | Hawkins |
Spencer | Tye | New Washington | Jonathan | May |
Jaden | Tyson | Crispus Attucks | Chris | Hawkins |
Devon | Valentine | Speedway | Charles | Bennett |
Logan | Vander Velden | Wabash | Paul | Wright |
Brayden | VanSlyke | Tri-West | Adam | Bontreger |
Colin | Walls | Valparaiso | Barak | Coolman |
Josh | Weidenbenner | Jasper | John | Goebel |
Gabe | Weiss | Glenn | Travis | Hannah |
Caleb | Welch | Westfield | Shane | Sumpter |
Ross | Welch | Cathedral | Jason | Delaney |
Blaine | Wentzell | Franklin Community | Brad | Dickey |
William | Whatley | Frankton | Brent | Brobston |
Mark | White | Blackford | Jerry | Hoover |
Mason | Whitted | Wes-Del | John | McGlothin |
Tyler | Wilburn | Delta | Mark | Detweiler |
Bryce | Wilson | Garrett | Bryan | Leverenz |
Dennis | Wingard | Westview | Rob | Yoder |
Pacen | Wolf | Seeger | John | Collins |
Collin | Wood | Brebeuf Jesuit | Todd | Howard |
Noah | Woodson | Mooresville | Bob | Carter |
Haru | Yamamoto | International | Scott | Adams |
Cooper | Yancey | Madison | Mark | McFarland |
Quentin | Yoder | Barr-Reeve | Josh | Thompson |
Justin | Zumbrun | Bremen | Jerry | Smith |
First Name | Last Name | School | Coach First | Coach Last |
Jorie | Allen | Bedford North Lawrence | Jeff | Allen |
Caitie | Baird | Perry Meridian | Mike | Armstrong |
Addy | Blackwell | Bloomington South | Larry | Winters |
Clara | Braswell | Western | Kyle | Stage |
Katie | Burkman | Indian Creek | Brian | Ferris |
Cat | Cavinder | Kankakee Valley | Douglas | Nelson |
Sydney | Cook | Wapahani | Scott | Hudson |
Logan | Cox | East Central | Kevin | Moore |
Cassidy | Crawford | Tipton | Chad | Wetz |
Mariah | Day | Jac-Cen-Del | Scott | Smith |
Bailey | Dyer | Madison | Sonja | Bowyer |
Carissa | Garcia | FW Concordia | Dave | Miller |
Addi | Graves | White River Valley | Mark | Graves |
Lilly | Hatton | North Harrison | Melissa | Voyles |
Bethany | Hayden | John Glenn | Kyle | Amor |
Alison | Hein | Vincennes Lincoln | Travis | Connor |
Olivia | Knarr | Shelbyville | Jason | West |
Meleah | Leatherman | Central Noble | Josh | Treesh |
Makinzi | Meurer | North Knox | Steve | Meurer |
Hannah | Noveroske | Michigan City | Michael | Megyese |
Jessica | Nunge | Castle | Robert | Meier |
Riley | Ott | LaPorte | Rob | Walker |
Delaney | Richason | Zionsville | Andy | Maguire |
Sara | Rose | North White | Bryan | Heimlich |
Michaela | Schmidt | Highland | Christopher | Tomcsi |
Camryn | Schmitt | Corydon Central | Michael | Uhl |
Leah | Seib | New Palestine | Sarah | Gizzi |
Addy | Simpson | Crawford County | Christopher | Broughton |
Caitlyn | Snyder | Indian Creek | Brian | Ferris |
Cameron | Tabor | New Castle | Molly | Swift |
Malea | Toon | Bloomfield | Ron | Knepp |
Madison | Van Gorden | Southwestern (Shelby) | Noah | Stuckey |
Ella | Vermilion | Marion | Lawrence | Jordan |
Grace | Waggoner | Vincennes Rivet | Rick | Marshall |
Mackenzie | Walker | Daleville | Ashley | Fouch |
Hattie | Westerfeld | Batesville | Darrick | Cox |
Rachael | Wilson | Barr-Reeve | Bret | Graber |
First Name | Last Name | School | Coach First | Coach Last |
Ariana | Adam | Whiting | Rick | Gregory |
Mady | Altman | North Montgomery | Ryan | Nuppnau |
Prather | Amanda | Roncalli | Stan | Benge |
Lexi | Anderson | Linton-Stockton | Jared | Rehmel |
Libby | Baker | Whiteland | Kyle | Shipp |
Jordan | Balz | Silver Creek | Scott | Schoen |
Olivia | Barnett | Crawfordsville | Tony | Bean |
Kylee | Barrett | Kankakee Valley | Douglas | Nelson |
Tyler | Bartel | Mississinewa | Omega | Tandy |
Anna | Bauer | Roncalli | Stan | Benge |
Ashley | Beckler | Northridge | Douglas | Springer |
Morgan | Benjamin | Northeastern | Sara | Mayo |
Paige | Bennett | Guerin Catholic | Jeff | Buckner |
Mackenzie | Bergman | NorthWood | Adam | Yoder |
Hanna | Bills | Guerin Catholic | Jeff | Buckner |
Hannah | Bobo | Penn | Kristi | Ulrich |
Megan | Bolyard | Perry Meridian | Mike | Armstrong |
Meghan | Bontrager | Northridge | Douglas | Springer |
Sydney | Bostic | Rising Sun | Abby | Friend |
Abigail | Bowman | Martinsville | Jessi | Johnson |
Jenna | Bradberry | Northridge | Douglas | Springer |
Savaya | Brockington | North Central | DeeAnn | Ramey |
Kyndel | Buchanan | Harrison (West Lafayette) | Rush | McColley |
Alyssa | Burchett | Bluffton | Karl | Grau |
Jillian | Burton | Washington Township | Mike | DeHaven |
Kyrsten | Butler-Ramer | DeKalb | Brett | Eltzroth |
Jaide | Cassity | Tri-Central | Jason | Bales |
Justice | Chambers | Lawrenceburg | ZAne | White |
Grace | Cotter | Columbia City | Amy | Shearer |
Leah | Craig | Monrovia | Kevin | Rounds |
Morgan | Crook | Marquette Catholic | Katie | Collignon |
Claire | Cunningham | Columbus East | Danny | Brown |
Alana | Daeger | Jennings County | Kristi | Sigler |
Claire | Davis | Perry Central | RT | Elliott |
Carly | Dekock | Kankakee Valley | Douglas | Nelson |
Stephanie | Dijak | Lake Central | Joe | Huppenthal |
Sarah | Duvendack | Angola | Brandon | Appleton |
Jessie | Dyer | Madison | Sonja | Bowyer |
Macey | Emmons | Perry Central | RT | Elliott |
Madison | Engleman | Corydon Central | Michael | Uhl |
Bailey | Everett | Covenant Christian (Indianapolis) | Amanda | Brown |
Nevaeh | Feasby | Heritage | Melissa | Connor |
Madison | Ferguson | Heritage Christian | Rick | Risinger |
Hannah | Foster | Blue River Valley | Terry | Bales |
Hannah | Frady | Linton-Stockton | Jared | Rehmel |
Skylar | Fulton | Fishers | Lauren | Vail |
Katherine | Gallagher | Cathedral | Reggen | Melson |
Maggie | Gallagher | Goshen | Shaun | Hill |
Annie | Gant | South Decatur | Kelly | Fox |
Tayler | Garland | Brownstown Central | Karla | Rieckers |
Jessica | Gast | Valparaiso | Candace | Wilson |
Kara | Gealy | Homestead | Rod | Parker |
Megan | Ghrist | Mt. Vernon (Posey) | Doug | Blair |
Sophia | Gianfagna | Floyd Central | Randy | Gianfagna |
Megan | Godfrey | West Noble | Dale | Marano |
Samantha | Goodfellow | South Decatur | Kelly | Fox |
Rylee | Greer | Evansville Reitz | Gary | Loveless |
Rachael | Gregory | Speedway | Joe | Smith |
Hope | Griffith | New Washington | Kirsti | Holloway |
Danyka | Groover | Rising Sun | Abby | Friend |
Makaiah | Haberkorn | Plainfield | Curt | Benge |
Miranda | Hart | Delta | Andy | Lewman |
Savannah | Harweger | Trinity Lutheran | Mike | Lang |
Jenessa | Hasty | Oak Hill | Todd | Law |
Claire | Heckel | Heritage Hills | Kim | Brown |
Piper | Hensley | Crothersville | Kevin | Hensley |
Abigail | Herrington | Owen Valley | Trace | Temples |
Tory | Higgs | Evansville Reitz | Gary | Loveless |
Carlie | Hobbs | Evansville Reitz | Gary | Loveless |
Reagan | Hoggatt | Union City | Sarah | Black |
Hannah | Hood | Castle | Robert | Meier |
Maddie | Howe | Lawrence North | Christopher | Giffin |
Taylor | Jaksich | Lake Central | Joe | Huppenthal |
Emmery | Joseph | Marquette Catholic | Katie | Collignon |
Anya | Kauffman | Bethany Christian | Krysten | Parson |
Kaitlyn | Kazmierzak | LaPorte | Robert | Walker |
Elizabeth | Kehl | Tell City | John | Hayes |
Makenzie | Kilmer | Penn | Kristi | Ulrich |
Nicole | Kilzer | Bloomfield | Ron | Knepp |
Lauren | King | Northridge | Douglas | Springer |
Kimberlee | Kingma | Frankfort | Joe | Marsh |
Taylor | Klenner | Whiteland | Kyle | Shipp |
Maddie | Knight | Noblesville | Donna | Buckley |
Abigail | Koch | East Central | Kevin | Moore |
Grace | Kreilein | Tell City | John | Hayes |
Madison | Lakomek | Munster | Jim | Davidson |
Kaleigh | Lamberson | Evansville Central | Michelle | Harter |
Arizona | Lenski | Andrean | Tony | Scheub |
Avery | Lewman | Delta | Andy | Lewman |
Kimberlee | Lichtenberger | Seton Catholic | Stephanie | Coleman |
Hannah | Lindsey | Speedway | Joe | Smith |
Amelia | Magyar | Franklin Central | Vince | Cerbone |
Sarah | Martin | Kankakee Valley | Douglas | Nelson |
Ryan | Massey | Shelbyville | Jason | West |
Alyssa | McClanahan | South Dearborn | Doug | Robertson |
Ella | McComis | Munster | Jim | Davidson |
Rachel | Merida | Cambridge City Lincoln | Garry | Laymon |
Taylor | Miller | Kankakee Valley | Douglas | Nelson |
Tori | Miller | West Noble | Dale | Marano |
Kial | Mitchell | Castle | Robert | Meier |
Caitlyn | Mongosa | Peru | David | Weeks |
Haley | Moore | Chesterton | Jack | Campbell |
Tatum | Neal | Clinton Prairie | Amie | Anthrop |
Katie | Neher | Northwestern | Kathie | Layden |
Maddie | Nolan | Zionsville | Andy | Maguire |
Jillian | O’Flaherty | Sheridan | Jaidlin | Delph |
Jenna | Orschell | Franklin County | Joe | Adams |
Madison | Owens | South Decatur | Kelly | Fox |
Sarah | Park | Columbus East | Danny | Brown |
Kayla | Paul | Cass | Mike | Collins |
Zoe | Pentecost | Westfield | Ginny | Smith |
Kate | Pfister | Boone Grove | Linda | Eleftheri |
Madie | Pfister | Boone Grove | Linda | Eleftheri |
Caitlyn | Phillips | Crown Point | Chris | Seibert |
Claire | Poulton | Brownstown Central | Karla | Rieckers |
Ashtynn | Powell | Linton-Stockton | Jared | Rehmel |
Josette | Pyke | Maconaquah | Peter | Hatcher |
Macey | Radenheimer | Lawrenceburg | Zane | White |
Abby | Ralston | Southwestern (Hanover) | Devin | Brierly |
Kenzie | Rappe | Henryville | Josh | Conrad |
Paige | Rich | Lapel | Zach | Newby |
Login | Richardson | Owen Valley | Trace | Temples |
Sarah | Richardson | Lowell | Kelly | Chavez |
Morgan | Rinkema | Highland | Christopher | Tomcsi |
Cece | Robinson | Plymouth | Dave | Duncan |
Madalyn | Robrock | Huntington North | Heidi | Lawson |
Sydney | Ross | Tri-West | Tom | Gliva |
Maleah | Ruder | Elwood | Craig | Brunnemer |
Eden | Ryan | Henryville | Josh | Conrad |
Madison | Ryman | Warsaw | Lenny | Krebs |
Claire | Salyer | Marquette Catholic | Katie | Collignon |
Paige | Sanborn | Crown Point | Chris | Seibert |
Shannon | Scheetz | Lafayette Central Catholic | Craig | Devault |
Mackenzie | Schermann | Riverton Parke | Derek | Cleghorn |
Carla | Schwarz | Trinity at Greenlawn | Beth | Brown |
Victoria | Shaw | Waldron | Anthony | Thomas |
Rainey | Shepler | Union County | Scott | Gray |
Megan | Sheridan | Zionsville | Andy | Maguire |
Kaelyn | Shively | Bremen | Alex | Robinson |
Bailey | Shuee | Greencastle | Tod | Windlan |
Lauryn | Silver | South Vermillion | Jeff | McCoy |
Maegan | Sinkovics | Peru | David | Weeks |
Marney | Sisson | Chesterton | Jack | Campbell |
Tori | Skaggs | Elkhart Christian | Brent | Miller |
Molly | Slatcoff | Chesterton | Jack | Campbell |
Jayda | Smith | Penn | Kristi | Ulrich |
Sophia | Spence | Union City | Sarah | Black |
Riley | Stafford | Muncie Central | Ron | Howell |
Kylie | Standfest | Eastbrook | Jeff | Liddick |
Seely | Stoffregen | Greencastle | Tod | Windlan |
Kiley | Stone | Wabash | Matt | Stone |
Cassandra | Sullivan | Evansville Reitz | Gary | Loveless |
Hannah | Sullivan | Waldron | Anthony | Thomas |
Ella | Thompson | Center Grove | Kevin | Stuckmeyer |
Lauren | Thompson | Connersville | Michael | Thompson |
Kaylin | Todor | Indian Creek | Brian | Ferris |
Kylie | Topp | Norwell | Eric | Thornton |
Aubrey | Toppen | Kankakee Valley | Douglas | Nelson |
Kirsten | Trinh | West Lafayette | Jane | Schott |
McKenna | Tutt | Castle | Robert | Meier |
Morgan | Vaal | Heritage Hills | Kim | Brown |
Ellie | VanDeel | Crown Point | Chris | Seibert |
Ashley | VandenBoom | Norwell | Eric | Thornton |
Ellie | Waechter | Batesville | Darrick | Cox |
Mary | Walter | Harrison (West Lafayette) | Rush | McColley |
Lilly | Ward | Southmont | Dustin | Oakley |
Harper | Watson | Madison | Sonja | Bowyer |
Sydney | Weaver | Garrett | Bob | Lapadot |
Kaylea | Whitcomb | Clinton Central | Matt | Crawford |
Makenna | White | Lawrenceburg | Zane | White |
Callie | Wilder | Jennings County | Kristi | Sigler |
Andrea | Wilk | Oak Hill | Todd | Law |
Marissa | Wilk | Oak Hill | Todd | Law |
Lindsey | Williams | Blue River Valley | Terry | Bales |
Tara | Williams | Union County | Scott | Gray |
Carli | Wilson | Tri-West | Tom | Gliva |
Chloe | Wilson | Zionsville | Andy | Maguire |
Hadley | Wilson | Evansville Central | Michelle | Harter |
Alyssa | Wright | Silver Creek | Scott | Schoen |
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