Job Openings
Shenandoah is looking for a Head Football Coach. Please email Athletic Director Todd Salkoski,
tsalkoski@shenandoah.k12.in.us, with a letter of interest.
Travis Nolting
Head Football Coach
Greenfield Central High School
Job OpeningLebanon has an English and Math opening. We have at least one coaching opening, preferably on Defensive Line but that is flexible. Anyone interested please reach out to Head Coach Jeff Smock at smockj@leb.k12.in.us
Football Pants
Wabash Football has switched apparel allegiances and has 400 pair of Under Armour pants for sale at a discounted price. The pants are being sold for $20 per pair on a first come first serve basis.
Most of these pants were never worn. The colors of the pants are white, gray, and red with combinations of each. Wabash purchased the pants for $75. Please contact Head Coach Don Morel at moreld@wabash.edu.
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